Friday, January 22, 2021

Add checkbox item to IR and Maintaining checkboxes state

In this post, I have an Interactive Report which I have added a checkbox for each row. I tried to keep the state of each checkbox (checked or unchecked) even if I transfer between pages of the Interactive Report or reload the page. So I have used the "Local Storage" of the Browser as a place to maintain and retrieve the checked rows.

1- Create an Interactive Report region with below code and set Static ID to “MyReport”:

select EMPNO,





               p_idx => 1,

               p_value => empno,

               p_attributes => 'class="selected-chkbox"'

         ) checkbox

  from EMP 

 * Set “Heading”  of  the “chekbox field” to <input type="checkbox" id="ChkSelectAll"> All








*Disable all of features in “Enable Users To” section of the “chekbox field”.

* Disable “Escape special characters” of  the “chekbox field”.






2- Add a button of type “Defined by Dynamic Action” and set Static ID to “BtnCounter” .

 This button is used to display the number of selected rows as well as uncheck them.


3- Add a button of type “Defined by Dynamic Action” and set Static ID to “BtnShowSelectedRows” .

 This button is used to display the selected rows.


4- Add below JavaScript in “Function and Global Variable Declaration” of page :

var myStorageName = "v_checked_list";
 * return json object of the local storage value
function getLocalStorageJson() {
    var strItems = localStorage.getItem(myStorageName);
    var jItems = [];
    if(strItems != null && strItems!="") {
        jItems = JSON.parse(strItems);
    return jItems;

 * set the local storage
 * @param {object} jItems json value to set
function setLocalStorage(jItems) {
    localStorage.setItem(myStorageName, JSON.stringify(jItems));

 * clear the local storage
 function clearLocalStorage() {
     localStorage.setItem(myStorageName, '');
     $('.selected-chkbox,#ChkSelectAll').prop('checked', false);
     $('#BtnCounter').html('Selected Rows: 0');

 * add/remove row value from local storage
 * @param {object} $obj jquery checkbox object
function setStorageByCheck($obj) {
    var jItems = getLocalStorageJson();
    var idof  = $obj.val();
    var found = jItems.some(el => parseInt( == parseInt(idof));
    if ($':checked')) {
        if(!found) {
    else {
        if(found) {
            jItems = jItems.filter(el => parseInt( != parseInt(idof));


    var lsCount = getLocalStorageJson().length;
    $('#BtnCounter').html('Selected Rows: ' + lsCount);

 * clear all checked rows and local storage
function clearAllCheckedRow() {
    apex.message.confirm('are you sure to uncheck all the selected rows?', function(ok) {
        if(ok) {

 * set check for rows, according to the local storage
function applyCheckForRows() {
    var jItems = getLocalStorageJson();

    if(jItems.length > 0) {
        $.each(jItems, function(key,val) {
    else {
        $('.selected-chkbox').prop('checked', false);

 * select all rows
function selectAll() {
    var getItems = [];
    $('.selected-chkbox').each(function() {

 * unselect all rows
function unSelectAll() {
    $('.selected-chkbox').each(function() {

function showLocalStorageData() {
    var sret = [];
    var jItems = getLocalStorageJson();
    $.each(jItems, function(key,val) {
    alert(sret.toString().replace(/,/gi,', '));

* Then add below javascript code in “Execute when Page Loads” :

var removeOnLoad = false; //--> this flag can be set to `true` or `false`
else {
    $('#BtnCounter').html('Selected Rows: ' + getLocalStorageJson().length);

$(document).on('change','#ChkSelectAll',function() {

$(document).on('change','.selected-chkbox',function() {

$('#BtnCounter').click(function() {

$('#BtnShowSelectedRows').click(function() {

$("#MyReport").on("apexafterrefresh", function(e) {


As you can see, there is a variable called "v_checked_lists" in the browser storage to hold the selected rows.



I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post.

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